A wide selection of accommodation by Tituscfu

Destination for luxury & comfort

TitusCFU categories

Hand-picked for you

Discover The Accommodations all over Corfu and give yourself the chance to experience the best vacation you can imagine.

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Luxury accommodations need luxury services. Our in-house concierge team will assist you in tailoring your stay to create an unforgettable holiday.

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Accommodations you will love

Onore Luxury Suites Dasia ★ Lake Suite & pool
2 Beds 1 Baths 3 guests
Epar.Od. Dassia-Karakisana, Dassia 490 83, Greece
A casa della nonna
120 /night
5 Beds 2 Baths 6 guests
Kapodistriou 100, Corfu 49100, Greece
Spacious Maisonette
120 /night
4 Beds 2 Baths 5 guests
5η, Stratigou Xenofontos 13, Corfu 49100, Greece
The Monastery Apartment
45 /night
1 Beds 1 Baths 3 guests
Ousakof 6, Corfu 49100, Greece
Onore Luxury Suites Dasia ★ Elegant Suite & pool
120 /night
1 Beds 1 Baths 3 guests
Epar.Od. Dassia-Karakisana, Dassia 490 83, Greece
Onore Luxury Suites Dasia ★ Sunset Suite & pool
120 /night
2 Beds 1 Baths 4 guests
Epar.Od. Dassia-Karakisana, Dassia 490 83, Greece
The TitusCFU difference

So you can live
unforgettable moments

We’ve taken care of the legwork so you don’t have to. Discover our premium accommodations tailored to meet your needs.

Finest quality

Hand-selected and inspected professionally managed

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We make it our business to visit all of the properties featured on our site.


We go the extra mile to help you book the right accommodation.

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Latest tips & tricks

What is Channel Manager;

If you promote your accommodation through multiple online channels, such as online travel agencies, so-called OTAs, Booking.com Airbnb, or even your own website or social media, you will definitely need the help of a trusted channel manager. Channel manager is a specialized software that allows you to automatically distribute property listings across multiple booking channels. […]
